01 Energy Efficiency

Life is not only for consumption
but for contribution.

--- Dr. Debasish Mridha

We give energy to gain energy

As early as 2003, AW committed to the wide ranging measures of the ‘Flemish Covenant Energy Benchmarking’, leading to more energy-efficient production processes. In 2016, AW acceded to the ‘Energy Policy Agreement’ of the Flemish region where its plant is located, thus sustainably anchoring energy-efficiency as a driver of its business.

Besides continuous monitoring, AW’s energy policy focuses on investments in energy-efficiency measures such as heat recovery, relighting and the optimisation of steam generation. This enabled AW to reduce its energy consumption by 24% between 2015 and 2020.

AW also participates in the European Emissions Trading System. The company has already reduced its CO2 emissions by 25% in 5 years and will continue the process in the coming years.